This is a tragic story period, and of course, no one wants to admit liability. Regardless, we should ALL help our American economy by only buying 'Made in America.' This includes American-made cars. Personally, every vehicle I've owned or driven were American.
Conversely, when people buy Japanese or Chinese-made goods or cars, they are supporting who? You got it right. Certainly not our economy and not our jobless fellow Americans where we now have 23% REAL jobless rate thanks to the big central banksters and Barry Soetoro.
Therefore, help out our fellow poor suffering unemployed neighbor or friends by creating new jobs for them by only buying 'Made in America' and while saving our economy simultaneously and to show the greedy globalist corporate elitists who outsourced our jobs to save a buck ,that'll never come back, to China, India, and Korea paying slave wages. Fight them with our pocketbooks: buy local(mom-and-pop shops Not Walmart) and buy American. Take care all.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
This story just shows how much good can be accomplished and donated to the world through each one of us; we all have the potential to do much good yet simultaneously having to keep in check that lower reptilian human ego. Yet, some of us may just be real angels in embodiment. Read lot's of accounts of a helpful stranger appearing out of nowhere to assist those in distress many miles away from any help; they render the help, then, when the person helped turns around to thank the kind stranger, no one is around. Makes you really think about the wonders of our universe. You might find this interesting free video series on heavenly angels at:
The next time someone helps us or asks for our help, just remember that 'we may be entertaining angels!'
The next time someone helps us or asks for our help, just remember that 'we may be entertaining angels!'
Hope to God that this quake drill does not coincide with the real thing simultaneously occurring; that's b/c when the real thing such as the 911 attacks occurred in the U.S. in 2001, emergency crews were already poised to execute emergency drills. What are the odds of that happening together? Not likely. Which means, 911 was a planned event, perhaps? We all knew that some unknown big boys shorted the stock of United Airlines days before the attack. Those guys no doubt made a killing, pardon the pun.
Well, for instance, the odds of the London transit bombings on 7/7 while drills were being conducted is 1: 9,000,000 odds!! Fat chance of any coincidence here. To read more about these odds, see:
As president FDR once quipped: 'If anything ever happens in politics, you can bet that is was planned that way'(rough paraphrase) for thought for us all. Just follow the $$$, and ask yourself,'Who profits?' and you'll get the answer of who the players are.
As president FDR once quipped: 'If anything ever happens in politics, you can bet that is was planned that way'(rough paraphrase) for thought for us all. Just follow the $$$, and ask yourself,'Who profits?' and you'll get the answer of who the players are.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
What a minute here! The article has failed to mention the 40+ MILLION GALLONS of deadly COREXIT dumped and IS continually being dumped into the Gulf waters via covert nightly aerial crop dusting type spraying over land and sea in the Gulf per eyewitnesses. Toxic rain is now falling in Mississipi and killing crops already.
Hence, BP, the White House via president Barry Soetoro, the Coast Guard, and the controlled mainstream mass media/MSM has ALL conspired to destroy not only our environment but also untold staggering numbers ofocean and mammal life has been killed, countless clean up workers for BP have been found bleeding INTERNALLY and dropping like flies on the job....all hushed up by the MSM....all to protect criminal acts of BP.
Worst of all, Corexit dissolves and disperses oil droplets in the water, but also has the same effect on human red blood cells...JUST HORRENDOUS painful way to die-total disrespect towards life. Only cold-blooded reptilian-type psychopath sadists are capable of such acts, yet they seem to be always the ones that rise to the top of our leadership if you'll take note closely(ie: our big central banksters) Read more about their REAL motives on destroying our environment at:
Speak up, raise a big stink to expose these bas****s to stop this outrage. And may God help us all in this battle.
Hence, BP, the White House via president Barry Soetoro, the Coast Guard, and the controlled mainstream mass media/MSM has ALL conspired to destroy not only our environment but also untold staggering numbers ofocean and mammal life has been killed, countless clean up workers for BP have been found bleeding INTERNALLY and dropping like flies on the job....all hushed up by the MSM....all to protect criminal acts of BP.
Worst of all, Corexit dissolves and disperses oil droplets in the water, but also has the same effect on human red blood cells...JUST HORRENDOUS painful way to die-total disrespect towards life. Only cold-blooded reptilian-type psychopath sadists are capable of such acts, yet they seem to be always the ones that rise to the top of our leadership if you'll take note closely(ie: our big central banksters) Read more about their REAL motives on destroying our environment at:
Speak up, raise a big stink to expose these bas****s to stop this outrage. And may God help us all in this battle.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Great another USELESS study that only promotes big pharma's money-making agenda by making us all sick and obese, so they can then sell us their expensive pharma drugs for 'treatment.' What an ingenious scam. You have to give these greedy bas****s credit for being so inventive in stealing our $$$$. Many of these big pharma companies also own food makers such as Kraft Foods or Coca Cola, I'm sure. Their toxic foods make you sick, then, they sell you their drugs. Very slick.
For instance, aspartame, the artificial sweetener found in diet sodas, has been linked with causing obesity, seizures, eye disorders, etc. b/c it has formaldehyde or wood alcohol as a by product, which is highly toxic neurotoxin. The aspartame also makes drinkers crave carbs and is a highly addictive. Like I said, these big corporations are highly ingenious in their greed. To cure obesity is simple: just stop drinking these soft drinks, and instead drink tea, bottled water, or fruit juices, which is what I do. Avoid this harmful addictive and avoid obesity. Simple.
Find out more about the link btw aspartame and obesity at:
This poor fellow most likely had eaten/drank something he was toxic which caused an allergic reaction. We've all heard of similar accounts of young healthy athletes suddenly dropping dead doing their sports---inexplicably--with a perfectly strong heart. I suspect that, perhaps, it could have been aspartame in the soft drinks widely used today by our youth. Just look around you and see all of the obese and diabetic teens.
Aspartame is created by E.Coli bacteria as fecal matter which tastes sweet-an accidental discovery by scientists. It causes obesity, paranoia, eye disorders, has formaldehyde which preserves live tissue(yummy!) and many other health problems. It is a key suspect in creating Gulf War Illness syndrome(just Google this). Read further on this at:
Stay health by only eat organic and avoid artificial sweeteners, something that I do.
Aspartame is created by E.Coli bacteria as fecal matter which tastes sweet-an accidental discovery by scientists. It causes obesity, paranoia, eye disorders, has formaldehyde which preserves live tissue(yummy!) and many other health problems. It is a key suspect in creating Gulf War Illness syndrome(just Google this). Read further on this at:
Stay health by only eat organic and avoid artificial sweeteners, something that I do.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Let's have a healthy debate then, of BP's continual lying, covering up, using the Coast Guard as their bully agents to keep both people and the media away from exposing their grave sins of poisoning the environment, and their ONGOING aerial spraying of their TOXIC Corexit oil dispersants that dissolve red blood cells and kill all life forms that is touches, both people doing the beach cleanups w/o protective gear and wildlife. Moreover, tons of crude oil are STILL leaking into the Gulf waters today b/c BP has CRACKED the earth's crust causing massive numerous fissures on the ocean floor....this on top of the miles and miles of oil layers hidden underwater thanks to BP's convenient it is that BP lies and covers this up also. Find out more about this outrage at:
Time to boycott BP and all major corporations and give our business by buying local from mom and pop businesses. Hitting them in the pocketbook is the ONLY thing they'll respect from us. God save us from these evil bas****s and help those folks in the Gulf who are now poisoned AND dying.
'The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing' Edmund Burke
Time to boycott BP and all major corporations and give our business by buying local from mom and pop businesses. Hitting them in the pocketbook is the ONLY thing they'll respect from us. God save us from these evil bas****s and help those folks in the Gulf who are now poisoned AND dying.
'The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing' Edmund Burke
What a JOKE this 10.6% jobless rate IS! Just look around and ask your friends; how many of them are out of work and for up to a year. I feel really bad for all of those sweet college kids who just graduated from college with their new sheepskins, but can't find any work. Then, they cannot afford living alone, so they move back home to mom and dad; we all heard the horror stories.
Per the economic experts such as Gerald Celente, the REAL jobless is around 23%. And since we are in a DEPRESSION, Not a recession, many of those jobs are Not coming back. Per the White House, we're in a 'jobless recovery.' No SUCH thing; an oxymoron.
Our economy is being deliberately crashed so as to lower the living standards of all Americans as a precusor to erecting a global economy; this is the REAL plan. Read more at:
To be forewarned is to be forearmed.....and knowledge IS power...and may God help us all.
Per the economic experts such as Gerald Celente, the REAL jobless is around 23%. And since we are in a DEPRESSION, Not a recession, many of those jobs are Not coming back. Per the White House, we're in a 'jobless recovery.' No SUCH thing; an oxymoron.
Our economy is being deliberately crashed so as to lower the living standards of all Americans as a precusor to erecting a global economy; this is the REAL plan. Read more at:
To be forewarned is to be forearmed.....and knowledge IS power...and may God help us all.
This is a real tragic situation for all concerned; hopefully these folks are fine. However, the Rapture is a false concept created by British oligarchs in the 19th century for naive Christian fundamentalists. In fact, beloved Jesus the Christ chastised the Pharisees for preaching such a FALSE teaching. Others agree such as the much revered native American Red Elk who warns us all to beware of this lie b/c it is a false teaching. Go to read what Red Elk says about this vital warning at:
'A sucker is born every minute.' PT Barnum
'A sucker is born every minute.' PT Barnum
Saturday, September 18, 2010
This is a real tragedy; let's pause for a moment and make a short prayer for those lost here. Btw, I've always owned and driven American-made vehicles such as Ford Mustangs, Chevy Novas, Chevy Monzas and Jeeps.
We should support the American economy with it's 22% national jobless rate and 40 Million folks on food stamps by buying 'Made in America' products only. That way we can create jobs for the out-of-work folk(for instance, all of those poor college grads unable to find any work), and since American cars have proven to safer sans all of the safety issues of Toyota, a foreign automaker, perhaps, the Saylor family would be alive today. BUY Made in America products would help out our fellow Americans alot these days. Simply STOP buying Japanese or Chinese imports. Very practical move for all.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
God's gift to us all: the right to self-defense
This is an OUTRAGE! We all have an inherent right to self-defense as a self-conscious divinely created being. Self-defense is an 'inalienable right' given to us by a wise Creator so that we can live out a fruitful life and create much good and creativity on this blue orb.
This is clearly a ploy by the globalist elite banksters who just as Hitler, Mao, Stalin and many other dictators throughout history who wants a disarmed, helpless public, so they can drop their fat iron fists w/o any resistance. Moreover, right now, these bast***s are trying to disarm American vets who have offered to lay down their lives for this nation, by asking intrusive questions at the local VA hospitals in order to disarm them if they answer wrong. Read this nefarious plan at:
We need to fight this with political activism such as peaceful public protests and with daily prayers to a Higher Power, the very Creator who first gave us freedom and the right to self-defense.
'The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.' Edmund Burke
Thursday, September 9, 2010
The Health Dangers of Vaccines and Alzheimer's
Vaccines have been shown to be linked with causing autism and even alzheimer's due to the highly toxic metal mercury used as a preservative. If big pharma and all of the medical doctors wanted to cure these and other diseases, they would have done so decades ago. There is just too much money to be made in selling drugs to the uninformed public who view doctors as God for the most trivial ailment. For instance, if you Google 'health benefits of turmeric,' you'll find that cheap, yet effective remedy for preventing amalyoid plaques found to cause alzheimer's in your grocery store spice rack. Just think about the billions or trillions that can we can all save by not coughing it all up to big pharma drug companies. As stated before, just follow the money and ask 'Who profits?' and you'll know who the major players are.
Secondly, medical doctors and dentists have average lifespans in their mid-50s; now, I don't know about you, but I would not wholly trust everything my doctor says as gospel if they can't be living paragons of health and have live shorter lives than the average American.
Lastly, for more proof about the link between mercury-laden vaccines and alzheimer's, check out this article at:
Don't just believe what I say; do the research on the Net and learn all you can about alternative natural cures w/o the nasty side-effects of big pharma drugs. Remember knowledge is power and self-empowering.
Secondly, medical doctors and dentists have average lifespans in their mid-50s; now, I don't know about you, but I would not wholly trust everything my doctor says as gospel if they can't be living paragons of health and have live shorter lives than the average American.
Lastly, for more proof about the link between mercury-laden vaccines and alzheimer's, check out this article at:
Don't just believe what I say; do the research on the Net and learn all you can about alternative natural cures w/o the nasty side-effects of big pharma drugs. Remember knowledge is power and self-empowering.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Dangers of GMO foods includes obesity
Eggplant is really quite healthy and has many anti-aging properties, however, tastes bland. I ate some for a hot New York minute but found it too insipid and tough textured; maybe my boiling it wasn't the best prep
Btw, if you choose to include this healthy veggie into your diet(along with all other fruits and veggies that you normally consume), ensure that it's organic and pesticide-free. The commercial GMO produce(genetically modified organism) crap created by mad scientisits have shown through scientific studies, causes obesity, allergic reactions, itching, and a host of other health issues; even caused hair to grow inside the mouths of lab rats(Yikes!). Feel free to read more about the obesity effects of GMOs at:
Eat organic and buy a flouride-water filter and drink flouride-free water and live long and healthy...
Btw, if you choose to include this healthy veggie into your diet(along with all other fruits and veggies that you normally consume), ensure that it's organic and pesticide-free. The commercial GMO produce(genetically modified organism) crap created by mad scientisits have shown through scientific studies, causes obesity, allergic reactions, itching, and a host of other health issues; even caused hair to grow inside the mouths of lab rats(Yikes!). Feel free to read more about the obesity effects of GMOs at:
Eat organic and buy a flouride-water filter and drink flouride-free water and live long and healthy...
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Focus on health prevention, not health(disease) care
Instead of focussing on disease treatment with costly, unreliable placebos(which medical authorities admit up to 70% don't really work) which we all call 'health care,' how about educating everyone with disease prevention through proper nutrition, daily exercise, adequate rest(8 hours/night), and avoiding MSG-laden fast foods and aspartame(which increases appetite and renders users obese); we would have, as a result, a lot healthier populace with longer longevity. Knowledge is power, but it must be used.
Sadly, for the rest of us, big pharma-fast food industry won't make any money if we are all disease-free. Just follow the money and always ask, 'Who profits?' and you'll always know who the hoodlums are and their organic and drink flouride filtered water and be healthy.
Sadly, for the rest of us, big pharma-fast food industry won't make any money if we are all disease-free. Just follow the money and always ask, 'Who profits?' and you'll always know who the hoodlums are and their organic and drink flouride filtered water and be healthy.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
How not to be a victim...
The best way to avoid being a victim is to not look like one. No joking. Common hoodlums are experts at reading body language and search for easy pickings. Just by being more aware of your surroundings and those around you, and avoiding trouble by walking across the street, well-lit areas, avoiding dark allies at night, not reading a book or listening to an I-Pod while walking down the street, for instance, you can save yourself a lot of headaches afterwards.
Awareness and avoidance work hand in hand together. Common sense rules apply here.
Lastly, it doesn't hurt to learn street self-defense as well. Moreover, by using the Science of the Spoken Word via prayers, mantras, and decrees, you can summon forth divine protection which is the ultimate self-defense. Read more about this at: Be aware and be safe always.
Awareness and avoidance work hand in hand together. Common sense rules apply here.
Lastly, it doesn't hurt to learn street self-defense as well. Moreover, by using the Science of the Spoken Word via prayers, mantras, and decrees, you can summon forth divine protection which is the ultimate self-defense. Read more about this at: Be aware and be safe always.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Throughout History, the Slaves are Disarmed
Our right to 'carry and bear arms' is a guaranteed personal right of every U.S. citizen; throughout history, tyrants have ensured that their populace must be first disarmed before the final iron fist is slammed down over everyone. First, they start with gun registration so they know where and who has guns, then, confiscation next, just as they did during Katrina in New Orleans, however, it was later found out that the corrupt cops there were doing the looting and crimes...just ask Hitler, Mao, Stalin, and other bloody tyrants: they'll tell you that gun control laws DO work.
Moreover, criminals just love unarmed helpless victims, b/c it makes their job much easier so they can rape, maim, rob and kill at will. Here's a helpful link to check out for everyone interested, 'In every case in history, slaves are disarmed' at:
Moreover, criminals just love unarmed helpless victims, b/c it makes their job much easier so they can rape, maim, rob and kill at will. Here's a helpful link to check out for everyone interested, 'In every case in history, slaves are disarmed' at:
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