Friday, December 17, 2010


Walmart is totally EVIL; not only do they help destroy the U.S. economy by employing cheap Chinese slave labor to make all of the cheap plastic crap(recycled from U.S. plastic scraps!), and pushing small mom-and-pop stores locally everywhere, but now they are gov't snitch centers.

Big Sis Napolitano, numero uno witch reptile, will now order you in a smoothing voice via huge TV screens at your local Walmart stores to SPY and SNITCH on your fellow shoppers. Insane! TSA has now invaded Walmart, now an official and bonafide agent of the federal gov't! Not only do the TSA want to sexually assault us and give us gamma radiation caused cancer when we fly, but no they want us to rat each other out to make the TSA's job of controlling us easier. Bas*****!!

Read this and find out what to do about this outrage at:


Walmart is totally EVIL; not only do they help destroy the U.S. economy by employing cheap Chinese slave labor to make all of the cheap plastic crap(recycled from U.S. plastic scraps!), and pushing small mom-and-pop stores locally everywhere, but now they are gov't snitch centers.

Big Sis Napolitano, numero uno witch reptile, will now order you in a smoothing voice via huge TV screens at your local Walmart stores to SPY and SNITCH on your fellow shoppers. Crazy! TSA has now invaded Walmart, now an agent of the federal gov't!

Read this and find out what to do about this outrage at:

Monday, December 13, 2010


Best avoid conflict and walk away on the streets when they arise. Last week, I ran across the street to use the post office just before closing time, and some teen shrouded in a gray hoodie suddenly backed up his white Mustang, almost running me over. Then, the reckless jerk starts cussing me out when he was negligently backing up suddenly w/o warning. I walked by him, waved him on, and he continued cussing me out. I just continued walking to the PO; with his girlfriend looking at me; she probably knew what time it was and that the genius boyfriend screwed up royally.

Lastly, it was probably for the best, b/c I had a good friend who was fatally shot point blank range in the heart by a hit-and-run felon on parole with a .44 magnum that he had caught up with on foot. He died on the street wearing only his yellow boxing shorts and gloves as he was working out in his gym at the time. My incident brought back this image.

Hence, even if you are in the right, the justice system finds a way to arrest you for defending yourself it seems. Really screwed up system; best swallow that pride and just walk away from angry jerks and live for another day. Just not worth the court appearances and jail time.