Saturday, October 30, 2010


That's sad that our dear youth, our sons and daughters are spending 4 to 6 years of life pretty much wasted w/o any marketable skill to show for it except to work at the local Starbucks' coffee shop. Unless you consider partying, dancing and drinking kegs of beer a skill. But seriously, the current depression were in; yes, I said 'DEPRESSION' b/c for the last 2 years, we've been over 20% unemployment rate now nationwide. In some cities, such as Detroit, half the populace is on welfare. Nationwide, over 40% of us are on food stamps.

Thus, the only positive thing about this depression created by the greedy globalist mega-central banksters and the Federal Reserve, is that some of us are daring to start our own businesses. Perhaps, more and more of our youth can do this, and hence, become independent instead of relying on living with their parents. Meanwhile, we can pray for them so that they may succeed in life b/c they are, after all, the future of our nation.

Read more about the REAL jobless rate at:

Btw, do Not believe ANY of the crass, understated jobless rates or anything the government quotes us: 9 to 10% jobless rate for college grads. Yeah, right....I also have some real estate on planet Pluto to sell you at rock bottom prices, no money down.

Friday, October 29, 2010


The big central banksters NOT illegal aliens nor Latinos are the problem. Btw, Latinos, I've learned are diligent, faithful, warm and overall honorable people; they make some of the most loyal friends you can ever have. In fact, these greedy banksters, not your local small banker, has stolen TRILLIONS of our money thru their banker bailouts implemented by our fearless leader President Barry Soetoro, an Indonesian citizen btw.

This entire criminal gang has created a giant black hole has sucked MILLIONS of U.S. jobs and created 23% national jobless rate. In short, black, white, Asian, Latino, purple, whatever ethnic group we identify with, are in the SAME boat. We are ALL victims of the big banks and the Federal Reserve printing money like it's out of style.

Hence, let's place the blame where it rightfully belongs and not on some scapegoat such as 'illegal aliens.' Nazi leader Hitler did the same, used the same tactics, and blamed the Jews for all of the Germans' problems, and we know just how wrong and stupid that all was. It's a slippery slope repeating itself that we don't need to go down that road again with as history illustrates...'Those who do not know history, are condemned to repeat it.' Read more about the bankster's at:

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


DOES ALLEN DAVIS MOVING SYSTEMS HIRE ILLEGAL ALIENS!?(this would violate federal hiring and labor laws if they do, of course)...I THINK SO...
(Adding insult to injury, owner ALLEN DAVIS JR. undeservedly gives gives himself FIVE STARS for cheapskate, shabby, shady, UN-professional MICKY MOUSE services, and with Nazi-like precision censures and removes CANDID moving reviews on his company from and
WHAT A JOKE!!! Yelowpages rated him Number ONE when he should REALLY be NUMBER #456 just he is listed on one moving review site; that's where he BELONGS. WHAT A FAT LIE!! Talk about FALSE ADVERTISING: unsuspecting future clients will be future victims of Davis, but it will TOO LATE for them then. They will have to file police reports and take him to court ALSO when he MISBEHAVES. Feel sorry for them.
Instead of telling the truth, he LIES about everything and calls his clients VILE, FALSE names. He should have been a fall and slip lawyer, he would have been the best in his field or worked for BP: 'nothing to see here kids, move on along.')_actually Davis reminds me of Obama(aka Barry Soetoro) who cannot tell the truth even in court!) But, I digress, here's my nightmare dealings with Mr. Davis JR:

Mr. Allen Davis walked thru our door in 2009 only armed with some kitchen saran wrap, some dirty blankets, but no other moving supplies as promised. He quoted $2500 fee but demanded $2948. Moreover, he seemingly hired some illegal alien guys who ONLY spoke Spanish! Davis even WARNED us of this fact! PLEASE SPEAK ENGLISH! Don't understand you guys?? Need a translator here, Mr. Davis! And he drove an unmarked rental van. What a CHEAPSKATE!...he cut corners all the way. His men had NOTHING to wrap up my delicate items...massive migraine I gots here!
While his men toiled away w/o any breaks for 6 hours straight(violates labor laws), Davis, the sole owner, leisurely sat in his rental van downstairs, and failed to supervise his untrained street helpers; hence, many items were damaged. Davis refused to reimburse for damages. Then, Davis quietly stole two pieces vintage furniture, hoping we would not notice, denied he had them, covered it all up. Had to file police report and took him to court. He told the judge the same thing while dressed only in street bum attire: cut-off denim shorts, dirty OIL-SOAKED tan T-shirt and rubber flip flops sans socks. Again, very UNprofessional....and PROUDLY REFUSED to ever say,'Your Honor' to the female judge. Very disrespectful of others-AGAIN....
What a moving Hell! Don't advise hiring him unless you like getting cheated and LIED TO CONSTANTLY, rude, disrespectful, and unprofessional treatment. Oh yeah, huge roaches from his unkempt van got into my new place; had to buy lots of glue traps; thanks for nothing! Go elsewhere; it's just not worth it. Peace to all.


Candy contains not only sugar plants that have been genetically modified(GMO) which can damage/alter DNA, cause allergic reactions, etc., but also toxic high fructose corn syrup which is now linked with causing liver damage, obesity, and diabetes. Just look at the recent horrendous exhorbitant numbers of children and teens with diabetes, no doubt caused by high levels of consumption of the above poisons.

Elated to see that this article seeks to promote alternative treats for our children during the holidays. Sugar causing cavities, it seems, is the LEAST of our concerns here. Keep your children safe and healthy by offering them wiser food choices such as fresh organic fruits such as pineapples, apples, kiwis, sundry berries, grapes, etc. which naturally will satiate their sweet tooths.

For more information on the ill health effects of high fructose corn syrup, feel free to read it at:–-the-poison-that-promotes-obesity-and-liver-damage/

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


....Ban the Bulb -- If all 4 billion incandescent sockets were filled with CFLs we'd have nearly 50,000 pounds of mercury spread around every single US household.....

These new CFL 'energy-saving' bulbs are not only a total SCAM of the meanie greenies who want all of us to stop exhaling(CO2 gas), but are designed to destroy our environment by poisoning it, flooding it with the MOST toxic of all elements: MERCURY. Just read the label on the bottom of the packages; you're also supposed to call in a hazmat team to clean out your home should you ever have the misfortune of breaking one of these fragile lethal bombs(mercury can kill).

Hence, best stick to the old incandescent bulbs that have worked for over 100 years. Save our earth and health: BAN the new CFL toxic mercury bulbs! Read more about the CFL bulb scam at:


What a COVER story this is; we are NOT meant to win this or any other war; it's about taking other nations' natural resources(oil and poppy crops) and lining the deep pockets of the bas**** mega-banksters corporation giant pharma-gov't complex. We need to delve deeper and stop believing the gov't lies and propaganda vomited out by the mass media.

.....What Obama will not tell us is that additional troops are needed to guard the opium poppy fields because of record yields now achieved each year and expansion of growing area and that the opium industry there was designed by the United States over thirty years ago.

The opium trade is big business there and worldwide and revenues are comparable with energy industry levels. Professor writes in a 2006 article titled, Who benefits from the Afghan Opium Trade?, published, “…what distinguishes narcotics from legal commodity trade is that narcotics constitutes a major source of wealth formation not only for organized crime but also for the US intelligence apparatus,.....
Read the rest of this article at:

Monday, October 18, 2010


Someone(ICE) should also investigate Allen Davis Moving Systems of San Diego b/c Allen Davis JR. the owner, even warned me at the outset of the move that we hired him for, ONLY spoke Spanish. Not only that, but one of his street helpers REEKED of urine.(Yuk!) Then, Davis forced these two allegedly illegal alien men to work straight thru 5 HOURS w/o any breaks. Then, at the end of the move, Davis drove 500 miles away with our two pieces of antique furniture after his men were dismissed from the worksite. Hence, the problem with illegal alien labor is poor quality control b/c these guys get subminimal hourly wages often, have poor hygiene and the employer can blatantly violate further labor laws.

Bottom line: Always read other former customers of moving companies posted on moving company review sites such as to avoid movers using illegal alien labor; it'll be a lot easier to enforce immigration laws and border security if less and less employers have access to illegal laborers b/c the latter will go back to their home country-self deport themselves let's say.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


WARNING!: AVOID ALL PROCESSED FOODS when possible as they contain many chemicals and toxins that has the effect of dumbing us down to the IQ level of morons and imbeciles!

No seriously, anything heavily packaged, processed and contains ingredients that you cannot pronounce easily, best stay away and find healthy natural organic substitutes that are meant to be nutritious food and not meant to preserve us as mannikins. These poisons commonly found in processed foods to avoid are: MSG(flavor enhancer; tenderizes meat and our insides!), aspartame(sweet tasting fecal matter of E Coli bacteria..yummy!), sodium flouride(found in tap water; main ingredient in rat poison; causes osteoporosis), and GMOs(genetically engineered crops and animals; think scorpion genes in your wheat flour). Clearly, all of these items were never meant to be our food, but thanks to the greedy mega-agro corporations that have killed off the local family small farms that grow healthy organic poison-free foods(best patronize them instead of the corrupt giant pharma-agro-food monster food-drug makers).

To keep both yourself and your loved ones sane, smart and healthy, read more on how to both avoid toxic processed foods and consume only natural, organic food stuffs that God has blessed this earth with at:

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Sadly, not enough of us are proactive when it comes to coming to the aid of another neighbor who is being victimized by a violent punk on the street. If more of us would just care enough and just say 'Screw it!' to what others may think or to the prevailing apathy or fears of liability and just jump to rescue of that screaming woman being raped in the alley or man who can't swim drowning in that murky canal, we would have a more idyllic world where people could just pay the charity forward onto to others and bless this world.

For instance, not to toot my own horn, but I rarely told anyone that once in the mid-1990s, while I was riding a city bus on a sunny afternoon, going to karate class, witnessed a young black youth run through the bus and grabbed ahold of a woman tourist's purse and run out the bus' back door; fortunately, I reacted quickly enough to grab ahold of the purse strap even while the hoodlum was on the other side of exit door; I simply refused to release the strap; we played tug of war for a minute; the hoodlum got frustrated, gave up and ran off; I felt very good when I returned the purloined purse back to the rightful owner; she didn't speak a lick of English, but the smile of gratitude was reward enough for me.

Wish to God that more of us would be a Good Samaritan once in a while and come to the aid of others suffering; everyone would be more blessed. This might just the secret to creating Heaven on earth when all of us sincerely care more instead of being so selfish. Some food for thought.....God bless everyone...we can all DO great things.....the power is in OUR hands.....


Many if not all of these seemingly random acts of mass murder/mayhem are caused by pre-programmed mind control robots. These individuals are chosen at a very young age and are subjected to extreme emotional-mental trauma to the point where they easily disassociate from their bodies and our reality. They wind up with split personalities that are easily used and controlled by their handlers/controllers. The gov't has been doing this since the CIA got established in 1947.

Some of these poor victims are used as sex slaves to service powerful dignitaries(ie: Cathy O'Brien and her minor daughter); others are used as professional assassins(ie: think Lee Harvey Oswald). Once people are aware of such nasty covert projects, they'll understand why there are such events as mass shootings.

For example, a very famous extraordinary case was called Project Superman where Andy Pero, a young college student by day was converted into a super-soldier killer by night. He could jump out of low flying planes and always land on his two feet, and he could shoot with razor accuracy moving targets; he could also rapidly heal lethal physical wounds with is mind. Hence, he was used to do secret assassinations of foreign leaders for instance. Read more of Andy's awesome story in detail at:

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Hey all of those 'environmentalists' out there, how about saving our school children from being obliterated into loose guts and blood everywhere in our classrooms by green Nazi teachers brought to you as your latest meanie-greenie public service announcement. (Er, more like snuff porn film)

I, literally could NOT believe what I saw. This is the work of reptiles out of Hades, these human-detesting cowpie global warming extremists. They want to limit CO2 gas which humans and animals emit, and plants inhale and makes the latter grows faster, bigger, and healthier. Here is the MUST SEE video which advocates killing kids if they oppose global warming; it was yanked off the net once folks, real humans, got outraged at their snuff film opus and rightfully so. We need to fight this evil, just as in the old TV show 'V' where reptiles run the world.

View short clip called Blowing Kids Up at:

'The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.' Edmund Burke


So that's where my former moving company owner Mr. Allen D. of SD hires his cheap laborers furnishing them ONLY with kitchen saran wrap as packing material and dirty blankets that did my last move; he even warned me that they ONLY spoke Spanish; besides cheap wages, these poor guys had to slave away 5 HOURS straight sans any breaks while Mr. D sat on his big derriere in his unmarked rental van w/o supervising them at you that these guys tried to find a hardware store to hang around in the front so they could be hired by some construction contractor, moving company, etc. to do some quick work. Hence, that's why our hourly wages in SD are so low b/c of competing illegal alien labor which accepts getting paid subminimal hourly wages. That's the cost of leaving our southern borders open. We should secure our border Today.....

BTW, for those who want to a good laugh, read the rest of my TRUE horror moving nightmare so it won't happen to you, check it out at under Tom name at:

LESSON ONE: Always read others' moving reviews before hiring, if they don't have 5 STARS, then RUN the other way......don't just blindly pick a mover from the Yellow Pages as I did :-(

Monday, October 4, 2010


The so-called 'war on drugs' is a sham and big JOKE; it was never meant to go anywhere....

Anyways, I digress, you AND everyone else may find this eye-opening:

....'In fact, it can be persuasively argued that the purpose of the war on drugs is not to decrease use of illegal drugs. Rather the purpose is to feed and grow a multi-billion dollar industry created by the government and Big Pharma. In addition to pushing the “zero-tolerance” orthodoxy through school curriculum (with police as instructors) that parallels current U.S. drug control policy, D.A.R.E. recruits children to act as police informants. The war on drugs is on the cutting-edge of the police state emerging all around us.
The drug war also builds and expands the for-profit prison grid system. In 2007, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the largest state prison demographic consisted of people imprisoned for drug-related offenses. In 2001, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s annual Uniform Crime Report, police arrested an estimated 723,627 persons for marijuana violations. In 1991, the number was 342,314. Since 1992, approximately six million Americans have been arrested on marijuana charges, a greater number than the entire populations of Alaska, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming combined.....'

Read full article at:

Sunday, October 3, 2010


History has shown that chronic marijuana smoking has led to the downfall of past great civilizations such as Egypt and several others, which is why they ban it now there. Weed use rendered everyone lazy and hedonistic, nullifying any productivity b/c they chose getting high instead of working hard.

Male smokers btw age 30 thru 40 made them paranoid. Users lose all ability to experience pleasure-both physically and spiritually-become numb to life. They feel detached from both loved ones and their environment as if they are out of their bodies(called depersonalization disorder). Paranoia and anxiety are common main effects from usage.

Let's face it, any drug or substance that makes users only want to get stoned and not want to work will cause the collapse of that nation since getting high is the priority, and not work. There's a sound reason for anti-drug laws after all. Using weed is not as harmless are we are mislead to believe despite what users tout. They say, 'Don't confuse me with the facts' while they puff away. Denial is NOT a river in Egypt either. Some food for thought....

Read more at :

Here's an excerpt:

'Common descriptions are: watching oneself from a distance; out-of-body experiences; a sense of just going through the motions; feeling as though one is in a dream or movie; not feeling in control of one's speech or physical movements; and feeling detached from one's own thoughts or emotions.[4] Individuals with the disorder commonly describe a feeling as though time is 'passing' them by and they are not in the notion of the present. These experiences which strike at the core of a person's identity and consciousness may cause a person to feel uneasy or anxious....

Fears of going crazy, brain damage, and losing control are common complaints. Individuals report occupational impairments as they feel they are working below their ability, and interpersonal troubles since they have an emotional disconnection from those they care about.....'

Friday, October 1, 2010


Do you all know that the CIA, besides your present and potential employers, use Facebook, to either spy, gather intel, or to track you? Just read Facebook's terms of service when you sign up with them; anything you submit can/will be used ANY way they want.

Warning: Never post any pics or info that you don't want the world to know or see. Horror tales of folks announcing on Facebook that they'll be out of town on a trip, will return back home to find it burglarized! Bad guys can also see what kind of possessions you have when you post pics also. Young women have been stalked after hoodlums have asked to be their new friend pretending to be a female acquiantance. Be street smart folks and don't make the hoodlum's job easy, and don't be an easy mark. Be safe you all.

Find out more about CIA's role and your Facebook page at: