Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Hey all of those 'environmentalists' out there, how about saving our school children from being obliterated into loose guts and blood everywhere in our classrooms by green Nazi teachers brought to you as your latest meanie-greenie public service announcement. (Er, more like snuff porn film)

I, literally could NOT believe what I saw. This is the work of reptiles out of Hades, these human-detesting cowpie global warming extremists. They want to limit CO2 gas which humans and animals emit, and plants inhale and makes the latter grows faster, bigger, and healthier. Here is the MUST SEE video which advocates killing kids if they oppose global warming; it was yanked off the net once folks, real humans, got outraged at their snuff film opus and rightfully so. We need to fight this evil, just as in the old TV show 'V' where reptiles run the world.

View short clip called Blowing Kids Up at:


'The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.' Edmund Burke

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