Saturday, October 30, 2010


That's sad that our dear youth, our sons and daughters are spending 4 to 6 years of life pretty much wasted w/o any marketable skill to show for it except to work at the local Starbucks' coffee shop. Unless you consider partying, dancing and drinking kegs of beer a skill. But seriously, the current depression were in; yes, I said 'DEPRESSION' b/c for the last 2 years, we've been over 20% unemployment rate now nationwide. In some cities, such as Detroit, half the populace is on welfare. Nationwide, over 40% of us are on food stamps.

Thus, the only positive thing about this depression created by the greedy globalist mega-central banksters and the Federal Reserve, is that some of us are daring to start our own businesses. Perhaps, more and more of our youth can do this, and hence, become independent instead of relying on living with their parents. Meanwhile, we can pray for them so that they may succeed in life b/c they are, after all, the future of our nation.

Read more about the REAL jobless rate at:

Btw, do Not believe ANY of the crass, understated jobless rates or anything the government quotes us: 9 to 10% jobless rate for college grads. Yeah, right....I also have some real estate on planet Pluto to sell you at rock bottom prices, no money down.

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