Friday, October 29, 2010


The big central banksters NOT illegal aliens nor Latinos are the problem. Btw, Latinos, I've learned are diligent, faithful, warm and overall honorable people; they make some of the most loyal friends you can ever have. In fact, these greedy banksters, not your local small banker, has stolen TRILLIONS of our money thru their banker bailouts implemented by our fearless leader President Barry Soetoro, an Indonesian citizen btw.

This entire criminal gang has created a giant black hole has sucked MILLIONS of U.S. jobs and created 23% national jobless rate. In short, black, white, Asian, Latino, purple, whatever ethnic group we identify with, are in the SAME boat. We are ALL victims of the big banks and the Federal Reserve printing money like it's out of style.

Hence, let's place the blame where it rightfully belongs and not on some scapegoat such as 'illegal aliens.' Nazi leader Hitler did the same, used the same tactics, and blamed the Jews for all of the Germans' problems, and we know just how wrong and stupid that all was. It's a slippery slope repeating itself that we don't need to go down that road again with as history illustrates...'Those who do not know history, are condemned to repeat it.' Read more about the bankster's at:

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